If you are familiar with the GIS software then you're halfway there. If not you might want to see if any courses are offered near you. In addition to that you will need to be technically inclined, so make sure that you understand how to utilize a computer. The next thing you will need to do of course is build your resume. Your resume must contain all of the experience you have working with GIS software, as well as any technical background that you might have.
Remember that you need to sell yourself as a professional. In a job market like this there is no room for uncertainty. This is true in technical fields, and even more so in GIS jobs. Also make sure that you include a decent cover letter that introduces you, and of course what you plan to do. You should also include information on what you plan to bring to the company.
If you are not sure what company you would like to take a GIS job with, then you can always look at the GIS career center. There are companies all over the world that make postings, and they have many different positions available. You could be an analyst, or you could just be a technician. These are two jobs that have very different requirements, but that doesn't make either one less important than the other. Keep this in mind!
But what if you can't find the position you are looking for? Well you're in luck because GIS is a big field and there are always many different GIS jobs available. All you need to do is send a resume applying for any position that you are qualified for. It might just end up in the hands of a person that will say: "Hey we actually need someone to do that." No resume is ever sent in vain, remember that.
In the end there is nothing stopping you from getting the GIS jobs that you want. All you need is a bit of experience, and you need to be able to prove yourself in the field. Technology has presented a lot of job opportunities that would not have been possible several years ago, and if you are familiar with technology, and have a passion for learning, then there is no reason you could not succeed at a GIS job. So look through the job postings, write your resume, and above all, believe that you can be a success.